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Cellulite: How can I get rid of it?

20 September 2021

Cellulite: How can I  get rid of it?

Cellulite is an issue. It is a combination of several factors, which you can read about in the following blog post.


Cellulite is a connective tissue weakness basically and usually appears on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, but also on the arms in the form of small visible “dimples” on the skin surface. Colloquially, cellulite is also called "orange peel skin". This is because the unsightly dimples resemble the surface of orange skin.


Especially women are affected by this connective tissue weakness because they have a different genetic predisposition. In men, the connective tissue consists of a stable fibrous structure. Also, fat cells are distributed differently in men and fat tends to be deposited on the abdomen. Women also have significantly larger fat cells, which are mainly found on the hips, upper arms, buttocks, and thighs – the classic "problem zones".  By the way, the fat deposits in women in the hip and butt area are also called "saddlebags".


In contrast to those of men, the connective tissue strands of women are arranged parallel, i.e. columnar. They enclose the fat cells that are perpendicular to the skin surface and hold them together. If the connective tissue is weak, the strands become slack and shift upwards: typical dimples and bulges are noticed on the surface of the skin – the beginning of orange peel skin.


The development of cellulite is also contributed by being overweight, as this causes fat cells to enlarge. They squeeze small blood vessels and disturb blood circulation in the affected areas. Hormones, such as estrogen, insulin and norepinephrine, and one's own lifestyle or stress in everyday life, as well as too little sport and exercise, also have a strong influence on the formation of orange skin.


However, genetic predisposition has the greatest influence on the formation and cause of weak connective tissue. Certain genes favor the appearance of the first skin irritations and the development of cellulite – this often begins during puberty.


Favoring factors for the development of orange skin

Hormonal changes due to estrogens (especially birth control pills) promote the formation of fat cells and water retention so that the tissue becomes even softer.

Stress increases the size of fat cells and thus promotes weak connective tissue

Smoking also promotes the development of cellulite, because nicotine weakens the connective tissue

Excessive alcohol consumption weakens blood circulation, which is why cellulite can develop more quickly

Overweight and too little exercise promote orange skin

Genetics has the greatest influence on connective tissue

Low blood pressure and circulatory problems are also reasons for flabby connective tissue


Cellulite and overweight

By the way, cellulite is not a disease and therefore does not need to be treated. The unsightly dimples have no effect on health. They are purely cosmetic. On the subject of "overweight people have more cellulite", it can be said that being overweight is not the main reason for cellulite, but too much weight promotes the formation of orange skin and riding pants. When you are overweight, fat cells enlarge and the tissue is weakened as a result: stretch marks and fat pads are the main results. Nevertheless, slim and plump women are equally plagued by orange peel skin and riding pants.

Cellulite during pregnancy

During pregnancy, cellulite can worsen, especially on the abdomen. Many factors that promote the development of cellulite occur together during pregnancy: increased estrogen in the body, weight gain, and the associated severe stretching of the skin, especially on the abdomen – so-called "stretch marks". Overall, the changed hormone balance ensures that increased fat is stored, the connective tissue is thus weakened and thus the unsightly orange peel skin can form more quickly.


What can I do myself against cellulite?

In order not to promote cellulite even more or to improve your own skin appearance, you should pay attention to a balanced and low-fat diet. Skin-firming foods are, for example, nuts, dried fruit, spinach, or tomatoes. The potassium contained in them dehydrates and firms the tissue. In addition to diet, exercise and sufficient movement are particularly important to strengthen the muscles and tissues. The stronger the muscles are, the less fat cells can enlarge and spread.


Creams also help prevent orange peel skin when used regularly. It is best to massage creams and oils carefully into the skin. Massaging stimulates blood circulation in the skin. A brisk blood circulation helps to keep the connective tissue firm. It is best to treat the problem areas in this way on a daily basis. Utensils such as scrubs and massage gloves also help.

Say Goodbye to Cellulite with Yamuna Performance Sauna Series!

You did all the recommendations above to get rid of cellulite, but it is still slower than you hope? Looking for something that support your fight against cellulite? Then our recommendation is Yamuna Performance Sauna Series. Yamuna Performance Sauna products maximize the effect of sports and exercise activities. Thanks to the special Neotex fabric, these products help you lose weight and get rid of cellulite faster by making you sweat. In addition, you get rid of toxins in the body with sweat. Take a look at the range of our Performance Sauna products now and start your fight against cellulite!



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