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Sometimes The Best Thing You Can Do To Motivate Yourself Is Just Start

16 February 2017

bel korsenizi nasıl alışkanlık haline getiririz ?

How do we make your waist corset a habit?

Whether starting waist training is one of your new year goals, or whether you are thinking of switching to a healthy lifestyle at any time of the year; Congratulations! Making this decision is a big and correct step towards your health and fitness. This big decision is your first step.

What might be more important than your decision to start is; it is your small decisions that will follow this step. You should follow these decisions every day so that your waist training and health decision can be effective. In an other saying; To get the best results from the waist corset, you should definitely make it a daily habit.

Making new habits in our routine and lifestyle is not an easy feat. It takes determination, commitment, and all the tools to help you adjust along the way. Psychologists have therefore done a significant amount of research on human behavior, motivation, and adopting habits. Although it is nice to reach conclusions easily without showing willpower, science shows that this is not possible.

If you're wondering what to do to make your waist training routine a habit to the fullest, follow these proven strategies!

Kısa ve uzun süreli hedefler belirleyin

Set short and long term goals

Think about how you want your health to be after a few months (and later) maybe you want your body to be ready for the beach in the summer, maybe you're trying to examine it for your wedding. Also, consider your mental state.

How do you want to feel about yourself? How do you want your energy level to be? Write these ideas down and decide which long-term goal will motivate you better. Take some time now to think about what daily decisions you will need to make in achieving these goals. You cannot achieve your goal by just wanting; you need to act. (Be sure to look under this post for examples of daily waist slimming) Bring new habits to existing habits What makes it difficult to stick to some habits is that they are fundamentally different from your lifestyle.

If you need to move away from your lifestyle to create a healthy habit, chances are you will quit it when you hit an obstacle. You naturally return to the most comfortable and least resistant way. What you can do is use your current environment and routine to remind yourself of your habit. This makes it easy to stick to the habit.

For example, you have daily routines in which you can include waist training, exercise and healthy eating. Whatever you do, identify tips that will help remind you of your habit. The author of the book Power of habit says visual reminders trigger your brain to remember habits.

yamuna korse termal tayt modelleri

Simple suggestions you can add to your routine:

Instead of deciding what to choose in the mornings, adjust what you will wear in the evening and add your corset to this combination. It will just take you a minute. Take a bottle of water with you to work. Whenever you want to go for harmful snacks; try drinking water first. Join the meal preparation plan and get healthy food advice and plan. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to prepare food. Put motivational notes and pictures in your bathroom mirror to remind you of what you are doing and why.

Which habit will work for you varies, but take the time to set short-term goals that you can achieve; It will help you achieve your long-term goals. Simplify your options According to researches on willpower; Our brains suffocate when faced with too many options in a day. So some influential leaders, for example; Like Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder) Barack Obama, they always wear the same clothes.

So they spend their energy making important decisions. Okay, they're men, maybe it's their thing, but what we need to get out of here is that the little decisions we make during the day can affect our energy level. So you have to get rid of the non-important ones. In addition to simplifying your wardrobe, you can try to simplify your dining options.

A weekly meal plan can help, and you can do yourself a favor by throwing out harmful foods. When there is yoghurt and fruit at home, you are less likely to go out and buy harmful food. If you are going to try to eat fastfood, carry peanuts in your bag so you won't have an excuse.

sağlıklı yaşamınızı görselleştirin

Visualize your wellness

When setting goals, many of us focus only on the final goal. As we mentioned, goal setting is helpful, but if you just daydream instead of acting, you start harming yourself. Instead of imagining what you would look like in a bikini in the summer, visualize yourself working hard every day to achieve this goal. This will contribute to your motivation while keeping your dream under control.

Some practical advice (such as motivational pictures and captions) will keep you focused on hard work. Not just focusing on the result. (See yamunakorse page to see real changes on Instagram) Get excited about your work and motivate yourself to reach a low-size corset. And do this with a friend! While you are eating healthy and slimming your waist together while doing sports, you not only feel responsible for each other but also have much more fun.

Plan ahead for times when you may feel bad You know yourself and you probably know your weaknesses and when you will feel bad. Maybe it's hard to get up early to exercise, or when you have a stressful day, you can't stop yourself from getting ice cream. Once you deceive yourself, you will be more prone to throwing towels. Maybe if you put your corset next to your bed, you will be more motivated to get up in the morning. If you put low-calorie products in your refrigerator, you will have healthy options when you want to eat something. And if you're having a rough day, don't be too hard on yourself. Think about what went wrong and find a new plan for tomorrow.

Creating a Habit: An Example of a Waist Slimming Routine waist slimming routine

First week

For the first week, your goal is to wear your corset 5 days a week. You can start with an hour on the first day and add another hour for the following days. If necessary, you can wear it twice a day at intervals. At the end of the week, you should be wearing your corset for 4-6 hours. Take note of how much water you drink during the day.

Second week

Your goal this week is to wear your corset for 8 hours a day. If necessary, you can use the interval twice a day for 8 hours in total. If you have not created a healthy eating plan at this point, do it now.

Third week

You should now be comfortably using your bedpan for 8 hours a day. You should wear it this week before the range. Plan to exercise for 5 days this week.

Fourth week

This week, your goal should be to use 10 hours. We hope you formed your habits by this week. Once you get used to the waist slimming routine, you can change your fitness routine as you wish.

Good luck! Sometimes the best thing you can do to motivate yourself is just start.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.