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Use Of Waist Training Corset For New Moms

30 March 2017

yeni anneler için waist training korse kullanımı

Waist training corset usage for new mothers

As we mentioned, waist trainer corsets are fast, simple and effective to increase the beauty of your natural body. No doubt that it will help you in your diet and sports after birth. If you are ready to take care of your health and feel amazing about yourself, here are tips to help you get started.

In addition, in this article, we have included celebrities who spend the postpartum period using latex corset in order to be a source of inspiration for you. Use this post as a guide on your journey and keep yourself motivated!

The moms who are using the latex corset for postpartum;

If you have trouble losing weight after childbirth, the waist training corset will be an incredible help for you. As soon as you wear it, it affects your postpartum journey. New mothers like waist training corsets because the Yamuna corset hides the remaining belly after pregnancy. It also provides great motivation by correcting your posture. This feature will also help you during breastfeeding.

doğum sonrası waist traning kullanan anneler

In order for the Wasit trainer to be effective, you must use it for at least 8 hours a day. At first, we recommend you to use our yamuna latex product. Later; When the first swelling phase after birth has passed, you can start using our other products. If the birth is cesarean, your stitches need to be healed in order to use our products. (you can consult your doctor). If you haven't worn a corset before, you might be surprised how it tights at first.

If there is no pain or stinging (no alert), it is working. It stimulates the thermal activity in your belly and makes that area sweat more. An adjustment period is required for daily waist trainer using. Our advice; You should use it by wearing it slowly for one or two hours a day, and continue adding half an hour slowly as you get used to it. After 3-4 weeks, you should be able to wear 8-12 hours a day.

We also recommend that you take advantage of our slimming tights during this period. Although the waist trainer provides weight loss in the whole body by its full holding feature, it helps to tighten the hip and leg parts and reduce cellulite.

Your simple daily actions - as going to the market, cleaning the house, caring for your baby - turn to sports and you burn more calories than you normally spend. Plenty of women prefer 3-hook products. These products show you how thin you are and provide long-term use. If you are at the beginning of the postpartum period and have overweight to be lost, 3-clasp models are more suitable for you. Always make sure that the product fits your size and fits well. If everything is ok, you can get your small size every one or two months.

ünlü annelerin korse kullanım serüvenleri

The Waist Training Corset Adventures Of Famous Mothers

Celebrities do not hesitate to showcase their waist trainer. Why would they hide it anyway? Besides  the thinning it provides, it look magnificent on you!

Here are the favorite looks we present to you;

Jessica Alba & Kim kardashian

Jessica and Kardashian love waist trainers and don’t deny that they used them postpartum. You can get this look with our latex strapless model.



Usage recommendations;

 New mothers also love to have varieties. We recommend that you get to know your body shape and order accordingly.


  • If there may be overflow on your back when you wear the corset, our straps model,
  • If your home is occupied by guests after birth and you want to look magnificent as a new mother without revealing your secret,
  • our latex skin color product that is not visible under clothing
  • Our colorful exclusive products to reflect your energetic and colorful spirit while walking,
  • If you want to be a stylish new mother and attract all eyes on you, our lady victorian model,
  • You can choose our hip lifting corset for the recovery of your hips and your hips to look great.


If you still have questions in mind, you can contact our customer relations. We are a team that likes to help women choose the right waist trainer. And we use waist trainer too! The people in our team also have different body shapes and they can help you with their experience.


We hope you find this post useful. For your questions, you can always reach us by via Instagram yamunakorse and our phone line (0850-532-5232).

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